We have listed the most frequently asked questions.

If these do not answer your question(s), please call, stop in or email us to get your question answered.


  • How much can my vehicle tow?

    All vehicles are different. You will need to open your owner’s manual and find the towing section. It will tell you exactly what your vehicle can tow.

  • How Much Does A Hitch Cost For My Vehicle?

    There are many types of hitches and a lot of it depends on the vehicle you have.

    Click Here To See How Much A Hitch Costs For Your Vehicle

  • Can I get instructions for installing trailer hitches?

    Yes. Use the “Hitch Finder” on our web site. Enter all the vehicle information. When all the trailer hitch options appear, if instructions are available, you will see a link to “Click Here For Instructions.”

    Click Here For the Trailer Hitch Finder To Find the Hitch For Your Vehicle, As Well As The Installation Instructions

  • Do I need to wire my vehicle when getting a hitch?

    NO. If you are just getting a hitch for a bike rack or cargo carrier. You do not need to wire the vehicle. You can always add wiring later when you are ready to tow.

  • Can you put a hitch on any vehicle?

    We can put a hitch on most vehicles. Between all of our manufacturers (Curt, Draw-Tite, Ecohitch, Reese, Stealth), we generally can find a hitch for your vehicle. We have 1,000s of hitch applications, even for older vehicles.

  • What is a weight distribution system?

    A weight distribution system is a setup that slides into a 2″ or higher receiver hitch and then we have bars & brackets that are attached to the trailer. This system distributes the weight of the trailer between the vehicle and the trailer. In most cases, it can double the capacity of the hitch as compared to just using a ball mount. The concept is like a wheel barrow. When the bars are attached to the brackets on the trailer, it is exerting pressure upwards on the ball. This then throws weight onto the front axle of the tow vehicle and also throws the trailer weight onto the trailer itself. Most of the systems we sell have 2 or 4 points of sway control as well. These kits make towing large RV trailers easier, safer and better for the towed vehicle.

  • Can I tow my vehicle behind a motor home with all 4 wheels on the ground?

    Some vehicles can be towed and some cannot. You will need to open your owner’s manual and find the RV towing section. It will tell you exactly if your vehicle can be towed with all 4 wheels on the ground. Moreover, if it can be towed with all 4 wheels on the ground, it will also tell you how to set your vehicle up to be towed.

  • Can I wait while MY install is completed?

    Installs are done by appointment, so you can wait while the install is done. However, we prefer the vehicle to be dropped off as some installs can take more than 1/2 of the day (depending on the vehicle and what items you need installed)

  • How will the trailer hitch look on my vehicle?

    Every vehicle is different, however, we have multiple options for a lot of vehicles.  

    For some vehicles, we have hitches where you only see the receiver opening of the hitch (the rest is hidden behind the fascia of the bumper).

    On a few vehicles, we have hitches where the receiver removes so you do not see the hitch at all when not in use.  These are Super Clean & maintain the factory look of your vehicle.

  • Will a hitch affect my warranty?

    All of our hitches are made for the specific year, make & model of vehicle you have.  In fact, in most cases, we do not need to drill the frame as the holes are already there from the manufacturer.

    They DO NOT affect your vehicle’s warranty.


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